iulie 15, 2009

Global Village in Pitesti,

gazduit de AIESEC Pitesti in parteneriat cu Jupiter City.

Pentru a doua oara, Pitestiul va fi gazda evenimentului "Global Village" organizat de AIESEC Pitesti in parteneriat cu Jupiter City, duminica, 19 iulie ora 16:00.

"Global Village" este creat ca o continuare a proiectului "Summer School", grupe de copii, reprezentand diferite tari din lume, au lucrat cateva saptamani pentru un stand de prezentare, o costumatie specifica, mancare traditionala din aceea tara, dar si o prezentare virtuala a tarii.

Evenimentul va avea loc in data de 19 iulie, ora 16:00 in complexul “Jupiter City”. Cei participanti vor avea ocazia sa explore 20 de culturi din toata lumea, de a gusta mancaruri exotice, de a descoperi noi lucruri despre tarile prezente, dar si de a face cunostiinta cu straini din diferite colturi ale lumii.

Eveniment sustinut de Kiss FM si Zile si Nopti.

iulie 08, 2009

First training, first impressions!

Every new thing, every new opportunity has to have a beginning. A moment when your feet are trembling, your voice starts to become dim and your heart races as if your fears are running through your blood. But those are actually just an exaggerated perception of the overwhelming emotions.

You might be wondering what I am really talking about. Well, my beginning, my first training, spread its wings in a beautiful morning of July, and I found myself, along with Olya, a trainee from Ukraine, in front of twenty people eager to learn, to get involved. I felt happy and scared at the same time. Yet, seeing their enthusiasm, their smile, and Olya’s relaxed attitude I realized that my fears are drown by the eagerness to start, to work and learn with them.

It was indeed a wonderful experience that I can’t wait to repeat. I am even happier since, beside the fact that I broke a few barriers that held me back, we (Olya and I) made the training a success and left the participant with something to remember. And nothing compares with the feeling that, at the end of the day, you can look back and say “I was part of that! I managed to overcome my fears and give the best of me! And, guess what? It turn out really great!”

Gîlie Izabela

Talent Management Member

iulie 01, 2009

Impressions so far...Wesam Time!

After 7 month waiting for my visa to come to Romania , every one blamed me why you should wait , you must break the match , But No . I gave my word I must keep this word for Gabi and my boss they both worked hard for this visa I must appreciate them , what ever take from me or cost me I will come to Romania.

I think its worth for waiting and meet my Lovely LC Pitesti, people I work with them online, but never met them . and when I met them I feel like I know them long time . They are so nice and friendly.

I’m Mechanical Engineer I live in Jordan and some time in South Africa and I used to work for 1 year with my degree before I come to Romania, I love to travel to see new culture, for me The Romanian Culture and Jordanian Culture almost the same there is no big difference, I have been with AIESEC in Exchange area and intern servicing team also . I matched myself with Romania .

I met my boss after 7 month , he is nice man ( for now as he said ) , I think he and his wife trying to make me feel more comfortable in Romania they make sure every things ok even with simple things , the Company seem great a lot of experiences waiting for me , I really wanted to learn more here , my boss can speak little English and other person also , its being big challenge for me here . But it will be amazing.
In the Romanian Streets and Shops English not common I’m trying my best , some people call me Wesam = Vassam I don’t mind its sound nice for me , I think I will speak Romanian soon .

And The Challenge just started we must wait and see :)

All Love
Wesam Manal


Summer School Trainee - Andrea Gulova

My name is Andrea (only one „e“ ) and I from Slovak Republic. I have come here as a trainer to Summer University project. I am alumni of AIESEC Kosice, Slovakia now. I graduated at Economical University in the middle of May. During my AIESEC career (5 years of AIESEC XP), I was LC VP ER, LCP and member of National Trainers Team.

Summer University is cool project and I really like it. Pitesti is very nice city and I like that we can go everywhere on foot (AIESEC office, city center, swimming pool) and you have really cheap taxi. There is a singing fountain in my city too, so I feel as home .

We (me, Queeny and Olya) were on 2 trips. First inBrasov and Bran together with Andra M. and the second one in Bucurest. Bran castle is very nice and we really enjoyed this trip and we liked Brasov too, because it is nice city, but it was raining all the time.

About Bucurest – as you told us, there is nothing interesting in Bucurest (and we have to confirm it). We spent most of the time in city park. We were jumping, sculling on boat, we received Magnum for free and we had amazing day.

We saw house of people of course (but it was 15.50, when we found it, so we saw it only from outside).

Thank you Andrea!